Friday, 19 August 2011

Pesto Italian Restaurant Glasgow Manager John
There's been much ado in Glasgow this month with the filming of Brad Pitt's latest action movie World War Z and of course final preparations for the grand opening of Pesto Italian Restaurants Glasgow! 

We thought it might be wise, before all the action really kicks off, to chat to our brand new Glasgow manager John McGhie - rugby enthusiast and whisky fan!

How long have you been part of the Pesto team?

Nearly two months, just started in July.

What is the best thing about working for Pesto?

The opportunity to be part of an ambitious small company that will thrive in Glasgow’s busy city centre.

What is your favourite Pesto dish and drink?

My favourite dish is the Salsiccia Peperonata, love the Italian sausage, so spicy. I enjoy my red wine and favourite one is Montepulciano d’ Abruzzo.

What's the funniest thing to have happened to you in the restaurant?

Unfortunately nothing funny to report in Glasgow yet, but hopefully that will change as soon as we open.

Which three celebrities (dead or alive) would you invite to dinner at Pesto?

Michel Roux Jnr, really admire the passion and dedication into everything that he produces. For comedic value Ed Byrne, think he is one of the best stand ups around. Finally Gary Armstrong the former Scotland scrum half to hear the stories of Scottish rugby and meet the man I tried to model myself on when I played in the same position.

What inspired you to become a manager?

I started as a waiter to get through University but was caught up with the buzz that working in a restaurant brings and knew that this was the career for me. What happens each day cannot be predicted and I love the challenges that brings and overcoming them. Being able to interact with people from every walk of life and provide them with fantastic service and pushing to maintain those standards though developing and working with great teams keeps me wanting more as a manager.

After a meal at Pesto, what's the best thing to do in Glasgow?

Glasgow has such a varied culture that there is something for everyone to do, be it go out for a cocktail in a stylish bar or enjoy a whisky in a small pub somewhere with a live band play, or maybe go look at the fantastic buildings that make Glasgow what it is. I could keep going but there is too much to say. 

The Gallaghers. No, wait, it's just some apes.
What was the last show you went to and how was it?

Last thing i went to see was Rise of the Planet of the Apes which i really enjoyed, Going to see Jimmy Eat World at the end of the month which will be amazing.

What does the next year at Pesto hold for you?

The next year will hold a lot of hard work and dedication from the entire Pesto team at Glasgow to ensure that we strive to provide the best quality of food, service and experience that there can be. It is a challenge that myself and the team cannot wait to begin and enjoy everything that is thrown at us.

Pesto Italian Restaurant Glasgow opens September 5th at 6pm on the absolutely stunning St Vincent Street - see if you can spot it from the fan footage of World War Z!

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