Wednesday 13 July 2011

Interview: Javier Mellado Pesto Liverpool One

Liverpool One is the UK's largest open air shopping centre, and the tenth largest overall; right at the heart of Liverpool One is Pesto Italian Restaurant, managed by the tall, dark and handsome Javier Mellado. We caught up with Javier to ask him what it's like working at the hub of the UK's biggest and brightest cities.

How long have you been a part of the Pesto team?

I started in October 2010

What is the best thing about working for Pesto Liverpool One?

To be able to contribute on the development  of the business and feel part of the everyday decisions.

What is your favorite Pesto dish and drink?

Cartoccio Merluzzo, Bruschetta Salsiccia and the Moretti beer.

Which three celebrities (dead and alive) would you invite to dinner at Pesto?

Rafael Nadal, Fernando Alonso and Cameron Diaz.

What inspired you to become a manager?

I love the challenge with people, the adrenaline of a busy time and dealing with suppliers.

After a meal at Pesto L1, what's the best thing to do in Liverpool?

Around Pesto you have all types of shops, the Odeon cinemas, the Echo Arena, Albert dock, Mathew Street to visit the Cavern, Victoria Sreet full off night bars, very close to the theaters and why not maybe a football match in Anfield or Goodison park?

What was the last show you went to and how was it? 

My last show was a the Peter Pan Christmas panto at Liverpool Empire with my children. It was very funny.

What does the next year at Pesto L1 hold for you?

Hopefully a lot of people through the door and a exciting campaign that'll put Pesto in Liverpool's top ten eateries.

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